Bankhead Primary School
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Numeracy Resources - Bankhead Counts
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Numeracy Links & Resources

  • Sumdog Numeracy & Literacy- Pupils are given log-in details from the school. If you do not know your child's log-in details, please request log-in details by filling out this form (even during closure) Great games/resources for all learners

  • Twinkl - high-quality learning resources for all learners and all subjects. Ultimate Memberships are offered by twinkl free of charge for one month for school closures.

    • Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS

  • Math is Fun - range of maths activities for all learners

  • NRICH- maths challenges, games, collections and activies for all learners

  • Crick Web KS1 Numeracy - numeracy games for younger learners

  • Crick Web KS2 Numeracy - numeracy games for older learners

  • Mr. Martini's Classroom - maths questions, worksheets, quizes and more for all learners (use strategies to find the answers!)

  • Arcademics - educational games for all subjects (especially maths) for all learners

  • Top Marks - a variety of activities, resources and advice for all learners, especially younger learners.

  • Glasgow Counts Wakelet - Glasgow Counts Numeracy resources and links for all learners.


Numeracy Leaflet Downloads