Bankhead Primary School
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Our local community

Bankhead Primary School is a proud member of the Knightswood community.


Local Community Centre

Our closest community centre is Knightswood Community Centre, 201 Alderman Road, Glasgow, G13 3DD
T: 0141 959 9419


Local Libraries

At Bankhead Primary, our two closest libraries are: 

Knightswood Library and Learning Centre, 27 Dunterlie Avenue, Glasgow, G13 3BB

T: 0141 276 1555

Whiteinch Library and Learning Centre, 14 Victoria Park Drive South, Glasgow, G14 9RL

T: 0141 276 0695


Knightswood Congregational Church


Knightswood Congregational Church is situated on the corner on Dunterlie Avenue and Killoch Drive.  It has had a long association with Bankhead Primary School.  Many of the ministers have served the School as chaplains. The school has even used our buildings.  For over 3 years the Education Department was granted the use of the Memorial Hall and kitchen as a Dining Centre with the small hall for classroom accommodation while rebuilding after the war damage of 1941 was in progress at Bankhead School


In recent years the school has visited the Church at Christmas and also contributed to the special 75th Anniversary celebrations by raising funds for charity with the Church.  The church put up a small prize for the competition winners.


Even today, many of the children from Bankhead attend many of the clubs that meet in the Church. 


For full details of all the Church activities please visit our website


Sports Facilities

Here are some of the local sport and leisure facilities in our area.

Yoker Sports Centre, 2 Speirshall Road, Glasgow, G14 OLN

T: 0141 287 3441

Scotstoun Leisure Centre, 112 Danes Drive, Glasgow, G14 9HU

T: 0141 276 1620

To find out more about all facilities available in Glasgow, please visit Glasgow Sport. 

Nearby Parks

  • Victoria Park
  • Knightswood Park

More information on all parks in Glasgow.