Bankhead Primary School
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Equality and Inclusion Statement
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Equality and Inclusion Statement

We are committed to developing positive behaviour and promoting justice and equality for all. It is our policy that no pupil, parent, member of staff or visitor to our school should be discriminated on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, disability or social background.

We accept that bullying, racism and discrimination can and does happen. They are major causes of distress and can lead to serious difficulties in all aspects of life.   We believe in children’s rights and teach our children to live in a climate of respect, hope, equity and love. We strive for the courage to ensure we stand up to any behaviour that do not belong in a 21st Century Scotland.

We are fully committed to Equality and Inclusion within the wider community and this statement embraces all.



Equality Act 2010

The Act protects people from discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics including: Age, disability, race, religion or belief and gender.

The Act, and the principle of non-discrimination, covers all the activities in the life of a school including: Admissions Provision of education, Access to any benefit, facility or service, Exclusions, It is also unlawful to harass or victimise a pupil or applicant.

The Act also introduces a single Public Sector Equality Duty (the general duty). As a school this means we have to give “due regard” to the 3 elements of the duty in all our activities:

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation;

  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not; and

  • Foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


Additional Support Needs 

Schools are expected to make reasonable adjustments under the Act to provide auxiliary aids and services for disabled pupils under the Act. Provision for pupils requiring additional support in schools is covered by:

  • The additional support for learning (ASL) framework (Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act, 2004 and 2009);

  • Accessibility strategies (The Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils’ Educational Records) (Scotland) Act 2002)


Children’s Rights

  • Human Rights Act 1998

  • United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was ratified by the UK in 1991. It aims to recognise the rights of all children up to age 18 and ensure that children grow up in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity.

  • Children and Young People’s (Scotland) Bill was agreed in February 2014. It introduces new duties for Ministers and public sector to promote children’s rights.


What we do in our school?

  • Equalities education means learning and teaching about developing positive attitudes and relationships, about discrimination in its different forms, about dealing with and challenging discrimination and about celebrating similarities and differences within our diverse society.

  • We adapt the curriculum, environments, timetables and approaches to enable children to be educated within their own community.

  • Staff take a proactive approach to reinforcing equalities education.

  • Play is used as a context to promote inclusion and challenge negative attitudes.

  • Staff respond to incidents involving their pupils, as these arise, and support the children in trying to resolve issues.

  • The school promotes an inclusive curriculum, which aspires to reflect the diverse needs of our community.

  • The school monitors and evaluates its effectiveness in providing an appropriate curriculum for all pupils.

  • Systems are in place to support those who experience and those who perpetrate bullying behaviour