Bankhead Primary School
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Religious Observance
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Religious Observance within Bankhead

Where the school community, whether denominational or non-denominational, is continuous with a faith community, that community’s faith in “the focus of worship”, may be assumed and worship may be considered to be appropriate a as part of the formal activity of the school. Where, as in most non-denominational schools, there is a diversity of beliefs and practices, the review group believes that the appropriate context for an organised act of worship is within the informal curriculum as part of the range of activities offered for example by religions, groups, chaplains and other religious leaders. (Religious Observance Review Group Report p16) 

We provide opportunities for religious observance at least six times in a school year in addition to traditional celebrations central to the life of the school community. 

Our school is fortunate to have a close link with the local church, St. David’s Primary School. The Rev Graham Thain is our school chaplain; he assists with the Christianity element of Religious and Moral Education and provides opportunities for religious observance. Mr Thain also plays an important role in the life and work of the school as a resource person and as someone who can offer pastoral and spiritual support.

At the start of each session the Rev Thain and Headteacher discuss how religious observance should be planned and implemented in order to address the needs of the school community. This discussion is based on the premise that the way in which religious observance in Bankhead is based on analysis of the school population. Mr Thain supports the RE curriculum by working alongside class teachers and attending community events in the life of the school.

Our focus is on the quality of experience for the children and in addition to Christmas and Easter we celebrate Harvest. Other themes focus on the environment our local and world context,   ‘Respect for Others’ and ‘Rights and Responsibilities ‘.

Bankhead Primary is a multi-cultural school where we value and respect religious, cultural and personal characteristics. The diversity of belief and tradition in Bankhead provides us with an ideal context in which children can learn about and so learn from what is important in the lives of others.  We promote a respectful understanding of difference and celebrate diversity.  

Religious Observance provides opportunities for the school community to reflect on, and develop a deeper understanding of the spirituality, dignity and worth of each individual. Our aim to ‘promote the spiritual development of all member of the school community and express and celebrate the shared values of the school community’.

Information regarding the right of parents to withdraw from religious observance and how we facility a parental request to do this is contained in the school handbook. We assure parents that we adopt a respectful approach and we do not seek to compromise the beliefs of any children or their families.